Sweet young thing: (prolonged apologia for why there isn't a corruption problem in Russia just because the West says there is) Me: Starting from "the Russian oligarchs began life as the Russian Mafiya," rethink the history of the Russian Federation since 1989 and get back to me. Sweet young thing: (sputters) Me: Also, get off of my lawn.
Me: (pro-vax rant) Me: (paid for own shingles shot before insurance would cover it rant rant rant GO VAXX) Troll: yr mom dint vax you agin chickenpox because she loved you! (drool derp buh wut
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So, someone who is not a Millennial femme said within my hearing that he may just "sit this (election) out" on account of not liking any of the candidates
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I just discussed the merits of Jimmy Carter's presidency as much from having watched the news in high school as having studied International relations in college
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